Attorneys weigh in on new child abuse charges for former Henrico NICU nurse

Attorneys weigh in on new child abuse charges for former Henrico NICU nurse

HENRICO COUNTY, Va. (WRIC) — Attorneys representing families in the ongoing investigation into the Henrico Doctors' Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) are pleased that a former NICU nurse is now facing six additional charges.

Erin Strotman of Chesterfield County now faces three additional charges added on to the preliminary charges for the first victim she was first given charges for, baby "Y.H.," two for a baby "L.M-B" and one for a baby "A.V.," according to court records.

"These charges were expected and they've come in due course," said Lee Livingston, the attorney representing the family of baby L.M-B. "We're pleased with the work of the prosecutor and her team. Shannon Taylor and her team have done a splendid job so far."

ALL COVERAGE: Babies injured, abused at Henrico Doctors’ Hospital’s NICU

"We made a promise to these families that we would continue to work on this matter, and I intend on us to keep that promise," said Taylor, Henrico County's Commonwealth's Attorney.

A total of seven babies were initially said to be part of this ongoing investigation. Four received "unexplainable fractures" during their stay in the NICU in 2023 and three experienced the same in 2024.

During a media briefing with reporters, Taylor confirmed that one of the three babies involved in these new charges was not included in the initial seven babies with fractures -- meaning, as of now, there are eight babies known to have suffered such fractures.

"It's agonizing for the parents to wait and watch," Livingston said. "They never dreamed they would be in this world -- but at the same time, it's very good to see it progressing."

Livingston confirmed baby L.M-B was severely injured in 2024 with multiple fractures, with every limb being broken. 8News previously spoke to this baby's mother in an exclusive interview. Livingston added that L.M-B is still in therapy for his injuries.

ONLY ON 8: Mother speaks out on baby’s stay in Henrico Doctors’ Hospital’s NICU, says all limbs were fractured

"They [L.M-B's parents] expected these charges to come [and] it's gratifying to see that they're made and also just heart wrenching to have to follow these steps because they never dreamed that they would be in a situation where their child — just as his life was beginning, was derailed in such a dramatic and shocking fashion," Livingston said.

The attorneys representing baby Y.H. have also expressed that they are happy with the work of the Henrico Commonwealth's Attorney's Office. They gave 8News the following statement:

"As the attorneys for Baby Y.H., Marks & Harrison is pleased that the Commonwealth is pursuing these additional charges against Ms. Strotman in relation to her heinous acts toward Baby Y.H. [and] we are hopeful that justice will be swiftly served. 

Additionally, our hearts break for the other children who were innocent victims of Ms. Strotman during their time in the NICU at Henrico Doctors’ Hospital.  We are optimistic and confident the Commonwealth will unearth each and every action that Nurse Strotman was allowed to commit while being allowed to work as a NICU nurse.

As before, we respect the Court’s decision to allow Ms. Strotman to remain free on bond, but continue to believe that she should not have been granted bond under any circumstance.

As before, while these children, including Baby YH, continue to suffer the fallout of these horrendous acts, Erin Strotman remains able to walk around freely." Charles R. Calton, Attorney, Marks & Harrison

Strotman remains on the $25,000 bond, which was granted with conditions last month. She is currently on house arrest at her parents' home.

MORE: Henrico Doctors’ Hospital delayed reporting suspected abuse of 4 premature babies in 2023: VDH report

Taylor said any changes to Strotman's bond will be addressed at the next status hearing, which is scheduled for March 20.