RPS kindergarten enrollment opens for 2025-26 school year

RPS kindergarten enrollment opens for 2025-26 school year

RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) -- Kindergarten enrollment is now open for Richmond families looking to get their children in school for the 2025-26 school year.

Enrollment in Richmond Public Schools' kindergarten programs is now open and can be completed online through the school division's website.

If you speak a language other than English at home, English Learner services are available to you. Contact the school division's Welcome Center by phone at 804-230-2980 or by email at welcomecenter@rvaschools.net for assistance.

If your family is experiencing a crisis like housing instability or homelessness, or if the child is living with caregivers who are not their guardians, call 804-780-6288 or email cfit@rvaschools.net.

Light up the night sky with hot air balloons at the Henrico SkyGlow

As of the time of reporting, enrollment in any other grades is not yet open. Returning students -- that is, students who already attend Richmond Public Schools -- who have not changed school zones do not need to enroll again.

For more information, visit the school division's website.